Kiersten Taylor Photography

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Courtney + Ethan, Blounstown Florida, Backyard Wedding

This pretty little bride and I happen to share a best friend so I've known her for a little while ;) and I must say, I knew it would take a damn good man to sweep this independent woman off her feet.

And Ethan is just that.  

Courtney is kind of a badass... so he needed to be strong.

She opened a boutique a few years ago with her awesome mama and just watching her success unfold has been quite spectacular!! I am pretty lucky to know her and even luckier to have been THE CHOSEN ONE for her BEAUTIFUL big day in her parent's backyard!!! But Ethan already knew how great she was, that's probably why he has been chasing her since the 6th grade!!

How did you two meet? 

"OK, so Ethan and I met in the 6th grade. 11-year-old Ethan fell in love with 11-year-old Courtney although he would tell you that it was much later on that he actually started to even like me but that's my story and I am sticking to it. We dated very briefly at 16 and as he likes to tell people I broke his heart. I was a mean little snot at that age so I'm starting to believe him. Fast forward through high school, college, moving away, girlfriends and boyfriends and we found each other again. We went to dinner and the rest is history. There was no "will you be my girl" or "let's date" we literally just never stopped hanging out. And I guess that's how you know. When someone just fits seamlessly into your life." - Courtney

This Fashionista did NOT disappoint with the attire for the whole group! Courtney said, "Ethan and most of the men wore navy suites rented from Michael's Toggery here in Marianna. I am so glad that I chose this color because it looked so so good with everything else we had going on. The bridesmaids wore dusty pink long gowns got from Orchard House Boutique. And I wore a Maggie Sorterro gown purchased from Vocelle's in Tallahassee. Which was THE perfect gown for me!!"

It all went down in her parent's gorgeous backyard, Courtney told me that her parents spent so much time making every part of the yard perfect just for her big day 😭 "All the planning and details were spearheaded by my amazing mother, Melissa and my cousin Nicole. I had told mom early on that I wanted to pick my dress and my photographer because those are the only two things I will be left with and the rest she had complete freedom over. And I think she had a blast with the whole year of planning and decorating. The wedding had a simple style but I think that in itself was a huge statement. It was very elegant in its simplicity. We had the wedding at my mom and dads house. They take every pride in their home that they have spent the last 20 years quite literally building. The house itself is beautiful. But the amount of time and effort that my mom and dad had spent in their yard over the last so many years to make it look as beautiful as it did needed to be showcased. And there is no other place I would have rather made these wedding memories than the place I grew up."

It was perfect. Literally so pretty, and all taking place in her childhood home!!! GUHHH! Plus I got to hang out with my bestie all day hahahaha, and the margaritas didn't hurt either..... 🍻

How did you feel about having me as your photographer?

"We chose Kiersten for many reasons. Her talent at being able to pull a genuine smile out of even the most difficult person is amazing. She somehow made herself blend into the wedding. I never once noticed her taking the pictures and I don't know how she got some of those shots without being right in my face. Yes, she is expensive, but I would pay her this amount, again and again, to be able to have the product we were left with. I am so glad that we made the decision we did. The memories captured in a picture is all your left with after a wedding and these memories are the best ones possible." -  😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I can't. I love yall! Thank you so much for letting me be a part of such a fantastic day!!