Angela + Ginny, Pensacola Beach FL
As told by the Bride in Black, Ginny "In a word... perfect. It was simply perfect.
The weather could have been warmer but the sky was clear blue and the sunset magnificent. It was all incredible - every moment.
My favorite moment was when Ang and I were walking out to the spot on the beach and we paused and turned around to see those twenty people who came to support us following in a tight cluster behind us. The symbolism was not lost on us. They were our people and they were there to support us as we expressed our love through this outward acknowledgement. An acknowledgement we'd waited 20 years to experience.
You see I had spent my adult life worried that if people I love found out I was gay, they would walk away. I was especially distraught that I would lose my mother - my mentor, my friend, my biggest cheerleader.
n 1997, I fell in love with my soulmate - Angela. In 2001, I came out to my mother. She sat very still and quiet for what felt like eternity. For those agonizing moments, I was thinking I'd lost her. She eventually turned to me and said "Are you going to marry that nice girl?" She was talking about Angela. When I said I couldn't because it was illegal she pointed her finger at me and said, "You go out in the woods. You just go out in the woods and you get married." While we were actually married by the ocean, we had a photo taken just beforehand - in the woods. "
I could say more but she said it all... This AMAZING wedding was also featured on <<< >>>